Legal Notice


The automated processing of personal information has been declared to the National Commission for Data Processing and Freedoms.

In accordance with the Law of 6 January 1978, you may access this information, request its modification or rectification or require that it no longer be included in our database.

You can also view or change your personal data in your customer account at www.ICOM30.COM


The personal information you entrust to Carré d'artistes is stored on the secure servers of our host OVH (excluding bank data). Access to this information is protected and limited to the operations of recording and processing your orders, statistical operations allowing us to improve our services such as sending newsletters.

Our website uses the ATOS SIPS secure payment system and the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption system which ensures the protection and confidentiality of commercial transactions and information exchanged during payment by credit card.


Cookies are "text" files sent by our website to your browser and stored on your computer. The website uses a cookie in the following cases:
• facilitate your connection to the customer account by automatically recognizing you. This only if you have indicated your wish by ticking the corresponding box.
• allow you to find the contents of your shopping cart up to 90 days after you visit our site.

The cookie only takes into account your actions on the website It does not allow us to know the other sites you have visited or that you are going to visit.

You can delete your cookies. However, each time you visit a new cookie will be set.

Internet Explorer
1. From the "Tools" menu, select "Internet Options"
2. In the "General" or "browsing history" tab, click the "Delete cookies" button and confirm

1. In the "Tools" menu, "Internet Options" sub-menu, select "Clear My Tracks"
2. Select "cookies" and confirm

1. In the "settings" menu select "history"
2. Check the "delete cookies" box and confirm