Terms & Conditions

ICOM30 thanks you for your interest in our products!
You will find below the General Terms and Conditions of Sale applicable to your purchase, which are intended to clarify your rights. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to reply you. This part concerns details as who you buy your items from, how to place an order, prices, shipping and delivery, right of withdrawal and warranties.
  • General
These General Conditions of Sale (the "General Conditions of Sale") apply when you ("Customer" or "you") place an order with ICOM30
By accepting these Terms and Conditions of Sale, you confirm that you are over 18 years old or that you have obtained the authorization of your legal representative. You also agree to comply with these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. You also confirm that you have read the information regarding personal data and cookies and that you approve the use of this data in accordance with Shopify’s privacy policy.
We sell products in different countries, so these Terms and Conditions are intended to apply worldwide. However, additional laws may apply depending on the country you live in. We comply with these applicable laws, and no provision of these Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be construed as a limitation of your rights, if the laws concerned offer you more important rights than those indicated in the terms and conditions presented here.
  • Orders
When you receive an order confirmation from us, it means that your order has been accepted and a purchase contract has been executed. We recommend that you keep the order confirmation for any future contact with us. We may reject an order for various reasons, such as if you provide incorrect personal data or if you have a non-payment liability.
Until receipt of this confirmation from us, you have the option to cancel your order. In this case, we will refund any payment made by you or your credit card company.
We can cancel an order in case of out of stock concerning the ordered products. We will then refund any amount paid and inform you of the existence of equivalent products if they are available.
The ordered products remain our property until we have received the full payment corresponding to their sale.
You are responsible for the accuracy of the personal data you provide to us.
You are responsible for all purchases made with your login credentials. Therefore, make sure to keep your login credentials secret and prevent any unauthorized person from accessing them. Do not hesitate to contact us if you suspect that an unauthorized person has obtained access to your login credentials.
Prices, fees, etc.
The prices indicated on the website apply to orders placed on the website. All prices are expressed in the currency indicated on the website and include VAT where specified (however, depending on your country of residence, VAT may not apply to your purchase). Unless otherwise indicated on the website, prices do not include payment or shipping charges, which are shown separately. Also note that local fees (such as currency conversion fees, payment or credit card fees, sales taxes, customs duties, etc.) may apply, depending on local regulations in your country of residence. These costs are your responsibility and will not be reimbursed by us.
  • Shipping and Delivery
Products in stock are generally provided within the time frame indicated on the website. The estimated delivery time of an order is indicated in the order confirmation. In the event of a delay in delivery, we will inform you and continue to monitor your order. You can cancel the order if the delivery is delayed by more than 60 days and you are not responsible for this delay.
Depending on the delivery method chosen, you may be asked to go to a specific delivery location to retrieve the order. You will be required to report within the time frame indicated in the delivery notice. If you do not get the delivery back on time, additional charges may apply and the order may be returned to us at your expense. We reserve the right to cancel the order if delivery is not recovered on time.
  • Special offers!
We may occasionally offer, for specific products, more favourable conditions than those indicated by the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, for example, with regard to the right of withdrawal or free returns. These more favourable conditions are valid only for a limited time, until the products concerned are out of stock, and may be cancelled at any time. In case of withdrawal, the General Terms and Conditions of Sale will apply again in their entirety.
  • Right of withdrawal 

You can cancel your order by notifying us within 7 days by registered with acknowledgement of receipt at your expense from the receipt of the ordered products. You must then inform us of your withdrawal by indicating your name, physical address, email address, order number and a description of the products subject to the withdrawal, for example send a complaint letter to customer service. You must also return the cancelled products to us without delay, at your own expense, within 14 days of your notice of withdrawal. You are responsible for the condition of the products during their return. That is why we strongly recommend that you send them well packed, in good condition and in their original box or packaging.
When you make a withdrawal, we refund the price you paid including shipping costs for a standard delivery (the cheapest method of delivery, which means that you will not be reimbursed for additional expenses resulting from the choice of an express or other delivery).
We will nevertheless deduct from the amount to be reimbursed any depreciation of the value of the products, if it is due to the fact that you have handled them more than was necessary to determine their function or characteristics. The
shipping costs are also refunded only if the returned products constitute an entire order, and not if you only cancel part of the order. We will pay the amount to be refunded within 15 days. We will however delay payment until receipt of the returned products . (delivery certificate, registered delivery with acknowledgement of receipt). The refund will be made with the same method of payment as you used to pay for the cancelled products, unless otherwise agreed.

Your right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts that:
1. Concerns a service that has been fully realized, if, by placing your order, you have accepted from the beginning of the performance of the service that there would be no right of withdrawal after the performance of the service concerning goods or a service for which the price depends on market fluctuations that we cannot control and that can occur during the period between receipt of the cancelled products from you and your notice of withdrawal.
2. Refers to goods that have been manufactured to your specifications or are clearly customized.
3. Refers to assets that may rapidly deteriorate or expire.
4. Relates to goods whose seal would have been broken and which cannot be returned due to health or hygiene risks, if the seal has been broken by you.
1. Products on sale.
2. Relates to goods which, after delivery, by their nature, have been irreversibly mixed with other items.
3. Relates to sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer software, the seal of which has been broken by you.
4. Specific issues of a newspaper or magazine.
Concerns digital content provided outside a tangible means, if you have explicitly accepted a delivery in this way and accepted the absence of possibility of withdrawal.

  • Warranty and Claims

Some of our products may include warranties Information about these warranties is provided on the website or in these Terms and Conditions of Sale. The order confirmation constitutes the guarantee certificate. Our warranty covers only original construction defects, and therefore does not cover defects that occur during or after modifications to the function or appearance of the products, such as reconstruction, improvement or other configuration of the products.
You have the possibility to make claims concerning products considered to be defective according to the applicable consumer protection legislation for a period of 2 years (or any additional period provided for by the applicable law) from receipt of the products. You must then inform us of your complaint by indicating your name, physical address, email address, order number and a description of the products subject to the complaint, for example using the online form on the website. You must also make the claim as soon as possible after the defect is discovered. Any claim made within two months of the discovery of the defect will always be considered as recorded within the time limits.
In the event of defective products, we will refund you in accordance with the applicable consumer protection legislation and assume the cost of returning the products.
We endeavour to make these refunds within 30 days of receipt of a claim and the identification of the need to make a refund, but this period may be longer depending on the nature of the product. We also strive to comply with the recommendations on defective products issued by national consumer protection authorities.
The refund will be made with the same method of payment as you used to pay for the order of the products concerned by the claim, unless otherwise agreed.

  • Limitation of liability
Insofar as the applicable law does not mention provisions to the contrary, our liability is limited to direct damages and in no case to indirect damages, such as loss of income.
  • Intellectual property rights
The Website and its content belong to us or to our licensors and are protected by intellectual property and marketing laws. This means that brands, company names, product names, images and graphics, website design, its layout and product information, services and other content must not be copied or used without our prior written permission.
  •  Waiver
We reserve the right to make errors in our website, such as errors in images or typographical errors, including errors in product descriptions or technical specifications, incorrect prices or incorrect information regarding the availability of a product in stock. We are entitled to correct any obvious errors and to modify or update the information published on the website at any time accordingly.
The images on the website are for illustrative purposes only and do not guarantee the exact number of products you may receive by placing an order, nor the exact appearance, operation or origin of the products.
Changes to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale
We may change these Terms and Conditions at any time. We will then publish the modified General Terms and Conditions of Sale on our website, which will take effect only when you have accepted them (on the occasion of a new order or when visiting the website).
  • Origin of our products
Some of our products come from France, others from our factories in Asia.
  • Applicable law and litigation
In the event of a dispute, we shall endeavour to respect any decision taken by the national consumer protection authorities.
Any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the country or State in which we conduct our business and shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the court of the place of incorporation of our company. “Non-Exclusive Jurisdiction” means that you have the opportunity to make a claim against us in another country if the applicable law permits it.
  • Legal notices
The merchant site www.icom30.com an electronic commerce site accessible through the Internet, open to any user of this network (hereinafter referred to as "Internet user"). It is edited by the company ICOMTRENTE LLC (EIN-30-1356538), LLC whose registered office is located at
DELAWARE, 254 Chapman rd ste 208 12232
These General Conditions of Sale were established by ICOM30 on Friday 22 November 2021.